Hello my lovelies! It’s Day 28 of August 2024 and 31 Pages in 31 Days! I hope today’s inspiration pages spark some creativity in your own papercrafting today. I’m using up my Country Woods paper pack so I can order another one! I’ve just found so much use for the versatile wooden patterns to mix and match with florals, ginghams, and even lace papers.

This page represents my hopes of getting a nice family photo shoot this fall! We would all rather NOT do it, but as the kids hurtle towards the end of university I feel the need to capture us one more time as we are right now, my favorite period so far of being a mom.

So this is a case of “build it and they will come,” and the Country Woods papers were perfect for the casual clothing I hope to coordinate so we look halfway put together like one of those normal families. Ha!
If you were to build a page about something you HOPE will happen, what would it be?
Think about that, and I’ll see you back here tomorrow for Day 29 of our blog series as we begin to wind up 31 Pages in 31 Days!
Maybe if you build the page, they will come! Mine would be a cruise or anywhere out of the states (husband refuses to leave the United States, I fear he gives us too much credit).