Welcome to Day Three of 31 Pages in 31 Days, my annual scrapbooking immersion month! Every day in August I post an inspiration layout for your enjoyment, and at the end of the series we have a nice fat stack of pages done. Then I stash the supplies and embrace my busy mom life once again–but for this beautiful month, it’s a glorious creative mess–without guilt!
Today’s inspiration page is all about celebrating Dan’s blankie! For years and years it was Dan and this little ragged flannel blanket against the world. It was literally GRAY by the end and you couldn’t tell what the original pattern had been. I re-hemmed it so many times it was more like a hankie size!

When Dan was in high school his Grandma Z worked a miracle with that fraying fabric and turned the blanket into a stuffed dinosaur. It’s not the same, but now we have something stable as a keepsake.
And of course I still have a bag of the leftover bits and pieces because MOM can’t bear to throw the scraps out!
What kind of mom would I be if I didn’t memorialize that blanket on a scrapbook page?!! Right??!!
- Colors: Blueberry Bushel, Parakeet Party, Azure Afternoon
- Papers: Bright & Beautiful 6×6, Parakeet Party 6×6
So how’s the challenge going? We’re only three days in–there’s plenty of time to catch up! Leave me a comment and let me know if you’re going to participate this month or if you’re just pinning and bookmarking ideas for later!
See you tomorrow for Day 4!