Welcome back to Day 12 of 31 Pages in 31 Days, my annual scrapbooking challenge! If you’re just joining us, you’re going to be so happy you found Embellish! Be sure to click on the 31 Pages in 31 Days category on the blog menu to see earlier posts from this year–plus hundreds of spreads from past years’ challenge.

We’re on Day 19 already! Today’s pages are from Scrapbooking Summer School, which is halfway done already, too. My how August flies! I’m excited to see how the class attendees make this layout their own. Plan to join us next August!
- Colors: Misty Moonlight, Pecan Pie, Very Vanilla, Night of Navy
- Papers: Delightfully Eclectic 12×12
- Stamps & Ink: Timeless Arrangements, Night of Navy

If you’re lucky enough to still have a grandpa or grandfather-figure in your life, send them a card today, eh? I’ve been looking through family photos a lot lately helping my niece with her newfound interest in genealogy and was reminded of so many beloved ones gone on before.
I wish I’d asked them more questions about their lives, their wartime experiences, their own grandparents… but most of all I wish I could tell them I love them one more time. However, for now the best I can do is memorialize them in my albums and make sure the next generation knows they come from a long line of both exceptional and ordinary people who once lived and loved just like we do now.
What we’re doing is important! And it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about scrapbooking. I promise you they’re all secretly jealous you have such a cool hobby : )
See you tomorrow for Day 20!